Hi all, found that on /Po/ and thought I should share it with you.Yup, a giant Female Night Elf Hunter by Allen R.
Download here.
Oh and Frostmourne build by Laitz.

Hi all, found that on /Po/ and thought I should share it with you.Yup, a giant Female Night Elf Hunter by Allen R.
Download here.
Posted by
4:45 AM
Labels : Characters, Completed Models
Really cool with that shoulders!
And Laitz made a very nice sword, could you tell me what paper did you use?
200gsm. I'd recommend a higher weight though, since due to its size, its more flimsy than usual.
You have the exact same tiles in your house that I have in mine!!
What a fantastic site! Thanks so much for sharing these patterns.
I don't know how you managed to find room for life size models. I love to big some thing that big and feel geared up to make some ambitious. The shoulder armour looks cool, doesn't the model needed weighted or the feet glue to a study base because it can tip over very easily.
You still visit /po? the majority of people there are trolls and losers. Some times there are good templates for model.
The model actually stands up on its own quite well without any weighting of the feet. I was surprised. The only issue I had with standing was the strength of the ankle joint. As you can see it is quite narrow.
I remedied this by applying a layer of 'expanding insulation foam' (you can find it in a spray can in your hardware store). Squirt a lump of this on a piece of paper and use a q-tip to rub some around on the inside of the foot/ankle. It may not look like much at first, but after about an hour it expands 4x and makes a nice solid wall on the inside. VERY sturdy.
as for /po/ it's been a while since i've been there. busy with school etc.
Absolutely AMAZING!!!!!
WOW!!!! really? now thats really cool. And it a very tall scuplture. And I agree. The shouder on this thing is awsome. It looks simular to my hunter kinda. just lvl 75 now but not to far away :) lol.
Keep going! I love thies posts you have here.
working on a nightelf myself and wondering if there are any tips that can be passed along, doesn't look too bad but getting confused on the shoulders. Let me know. Thanks
I used some green florists foam and hot glue. It's cheap and easy to carve into roughly the proper shape.
I'm dying to find a frostmourne template. I want to make a life-sized one and hang it on my wall D: could you help a girl out?
hey guys, I know its propably too late, but I'm so obsessed with this kind of papercraft and I want to know how to export charactermodels (with actual position) from the model viewer and how to convert these ones into *.pdo-files? :)
Why do i need a password for this file to open?
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