Monday, November 28, 2016
Headless Horseman's Helm (wearable size)
A wearable helm from WoW's Hallow's End event. If you plan to wear it, print it on heavy paper and follow the author's instructions.
Difficulty: Medium
Size: 40 cm. high
Format: PDO
Model by Harlan Browning
Download it here: Mediafire
Posted by
3:59 PM
This is the epic (fast) Forsaken warhorse, the same model as Rivendare's Deathcharger. Six textures/colors included. If you farmed Rivendare till your hair got white, at least you can have it on your desk :)
Difficulty: Medium
Size: 34 cm. high
Six textures included
Model by Harlan Browning
Download it here: Mediafire
Posted by
3:53 PM
Thursday, February 11, 2016
About password requests
Well, since 90% of all comments we had in months are about asking for the models password for editing them or whatever, let's talk about it.
We have no effing "need for propriety", my friends. We put passwords on a model because it takes hours of work to do, then comes some smartbun and simply edits the models (generally mess them), delete all credits and spills it on the internet to show HIS "exceptional work of art". I've found a russian papercraft site with tons of our models without passwords; they use a crack to rip the pw's from the archive. The crack is also a trojan, and like all cracks with trojans it's a fair pay. At least most of them left our credits intact. Some just deleted them.
BUT ... a lot of people just want to resize the thing to build it their own way. It's cool to have that sword on the wall, that helmet worn in some RPG Con... Given that three factors:
1) People want to resize the models the way they want because they love WoW and this kind of art as much as we do;
2) If someone wants to do things the rogue way they will do and use whatever crap necessary to achieve it. Passwords are a weak way to preserve someone's works nowadays.
3) Keep in mind that ALL material presented here belongs to Blizzard Entertainment. Blizz encourages all kinds of fanart since you don't try to make money on their work. If you do, someday you can have a happy hour in a court, you know how big companies are, do you? Everything in this site is free because of that. It does not belong to anyone of us, I mean, you all and/or me.
Then I'm giving you the passwords for almost all models here, do what you want with them and have fun. But I'll ask you just a little favor: If you modify the models, please DELETE our credits from the archive. If you want to repost it without modifications, please KEEP our credits. Not because we "think we have some propriety to be preserved", it's just for being nice to the nerds who did the pepakura projects for all to have fun :)
Password for old models, most of them made by PMF is: world
Password for newer models, most of them made by me is: tavernadobarbaro
Some models posted here were made by other people (as the night elf huntress) so if any of them are PW-protected, those are beyond our knowledge, sorry.
AND IF you just want to print and build something as it is, and it asks for a password so you can't open it, you're using the wrong software. You should open it in PEPAKURA VIEWER and not DESIGNER wich is made for editing.
Well, have fun. I have some models waiting to be posted but not a lot of free time...but no new model will be pass-protected anymore so I think the problem ends here. See ya on the Broken Isles soon! :D
Posted by
8:41 PM