Monday, August 11, 2014

We're back!

After a long break, I'm coming back to the blog, and will post some things soon™. I had no recent pic good enough at this right moment so let's give the old Pally another chance... hey, did he changed class or is it a rogue wearing Pally gear to infiltrate my studio and kill all my Pokemons??? (It was a gift for a friend, and the joke is that the Portuguese word for paladin is "paladino", and the word for rogue is "ladino", so we made a character that is impossible to exist in WoW - a pally dual-wielding... or a rogue wearing a Judgement set. Your choice. Purists will be upset and that's funny. lol)

A new email will be set during this week so I can track comments and updates, and you can send your model pics again. Just give me a few days so I can reorganize everything here, including the blog's design, something I still need time to do. Until then, keep an eye on updates. ^^


  1. Hey! You doing nice work i love papper works that u made and share with us! Thank you!

  2. If someone gets a broken link please report it here in comments. If the missing model still exists in my backups I'll be reuploading it. If it doesn't, I will freeze the post and it can be remade later. TY

  3. Your work is amazing, I wish I knew how to do this kind of modeling, or to at least get a hold of the geometries. O.O
    (I would make a cloud serpent hatchling so fast, you wouldn't believe it. xD)
    Keep up the good work! ^(^~^)

  4. Ty ^^ Please note that the models in our blog are the originals from the game. We don't edit them (except for some minor rare corrections). They are just "dissecated" so we can build them with paper. A cloud serpent hatchling is a good idea, maybe its model could be here before WoD launches... :)

  5. No wonder they're so spot on..! 0_0
    And ohmygod, I'd sacrifice entire forests of boars in your honor if you did..! *bows* If you have the time, the golden hatchling always held a special place in my heart. /)///(\

  6. Hello, Barbarain,

    Yor models are great! Thanks for share!

    I will post some of them at Papermau, with deserved credits to you, of course.

    Greetings from Brazil!


  7. yay nice to see your back :)

  8. Thanks Mauther, ou melhor, valeu, pode postar XD

  9. About new Warlords models: WMV's team is working hard to make WMV work with the new WoW casc system. I can still make old models from my WoW install backup but I'm waiting for a working app version. While we're waiting, some old models in work can be posted.

  10. Yes thank you for returning glad to see you back

  11. Hello, is there any chance you have the pattern for the Ragnaros model you posted a while back? I would love to be able to build that thing!

  12. About the models made by Beinan - we also tried to find a download link there... but... :( google translator didn't help and I could not find someone to read the chinese site. If someday we find the link we'll surely post it!!!! Sorry, I want it too...
